Creating Inspiring Designing

Inspired by Genius - Driven by Passion
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My name is Steve Shead. Welcome to

Inspired by Genius - Driven by Passion - my personal motto that drives me to be the best I can be.

Creative Ideas

Some stuff I do...

Browse some of my video work.

Drone Videos

Drone flights with some creative videography

Life Videos

Using stock videos to create a story, with creative editing

Effects Videos

Playing with plugins and filters to create futuristic effects

Interested in seeing more of my videos? Checkout YouTube.

Steve Shead - creating inspired engaging designs PHP Development Graphic Design Photographer Videographer Music Composer Pilot & Engineer Husband & Father

About Steve Shead

Whatever you do in life do it with passion, integrity and open and honest communication. You may not be perfect, and life may throw you some curve balls, but your ethics, your honesty and integrity will always carry you through.

Creative Code
Creative Design
Creative Thinking
Creative Leadership

inspired by genius driven by passion

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steve shead

I don't limit myself to one medium. I write, I code, I create, I design, I lead...